What Is Diabetes Home Care?
Diabetes is a long-lasting health condition that causes blood sugar (glucose) levels to become too high. This happens when your body can’t produce the sufficient amount of insulin needed. Around 3.9 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK.
At Esteem, one of our three core values is promoting good nutrition, which is such an essential part of supporting people with diabetes.
Esteem Diabetes Care
If you are living with diabetes, we will tailor our services to meet your needs. Our “Your Choice, Your Care, Your Complete Solution” care packages are designed to suit each individual with whatever you need to live well at home. Esteem is experienced in caring for people with age-related health conditions. You will be in safe hands with our qualified carers.
Our Diabetes Home Health Care Includes:
- Diabetes diet plan – With type 2 diabetes you have to limit certain foods. It is recommended to keep sugar, fat and salt to a minimum and to avoid skipping meals. We can work with you to maintain a healthy diet. We provide food preparation and meal planning, this can be especially helpful if you are wanting to make your current diet healthier. We can create an achievable health goal specific to you, involving small dietary changes over a period of time.
- Medication assistance – Most people are prescribed medicine to control the condition. We can assist you with reminding you to take your medication and picking it up if you are unable to.
- Healthy lifestyle support – Exercise lowers your blood sugar level. We will listen to you, learn your interests and support you with enjoyable forms of exercise, this can be from walking to gardening.
- Assisting with check-ups – We can assist you with travelling to and from your GP for blood sugar checks. If appointments make you anxious, we can provide emotional support.
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes – This often develops quickly; symptoms can arise over weeks or even days. It can develop at any age but is usually diagnosed between childhood and early adulthood. Type 1 occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin.
Type 2 diabetes – This can develop slowly and is most common in people aged 45 and older. Type 2 occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin you produce can’t work effectively.
Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 with 90% of adults that have been diagnosed with diabetes having type 2.
Arrange Home Care With Us
If you are interested in finding out more about our diabetes disease home care then get in touch with us today. One of our professional care team will listen to your needs and discuss how we can support you. It’s easy to arrange home care with Esteem, call, email or book a consultation now to arrange personalised diabetes help in your home.
If you don’t monitor and treat your diabetes then it can negatively affect your whole body. It can cause damage to your heart, eyes, kidneys and more. The most important thing to do is manage your blood glucose levels.
It can be difficult managing your diet, living a healthy lifestyle and keeping on top of daily chores on your own when you are older. Diabetes tailored care provides relief from the stress of living with a medical condition. Whether it’s a low sugar diet you need help with or you want company on your daily exercise walks, we can provide that support.
Factors that can lead to the development of diabetes are:
- Genetics
- Age
- Weight
- Unhealthy lifestyle
- Conditions such as high blood pressure and polycystic ovary syndrome