Respite Care

Short-term care relief for carers

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For Families and Individuals Seeking Home Care Services

    What Is Respite Care?

    Respite care is temporary care for someone who is normally supported by family carers. Respite means a short period of rest or relief from something. Respite care is mainly used to give the primary carer a break, or in instances of illness and recovery.

    Respite Care Duties Include:

    • Personal care – including dressing and bathing
    • Mobility support
    • Meal preparation
    • Companionship
    • Errand running including shopping
    • Housekeeping
    • Support with pet caring
    • Assistance with trips out to friends, family and activities
    • Support with taking medication

    Importance of Respite Care

    Being a carer for a loved one can be incredibly rewarding but also involves a lot of hard work and can be overwhelming at times. Everyone needs a break now and again. Breaks from the pressure of caring for a loved one can help with physical and mental wellbeing and can avoid you becoming burnt out. After a relaxing break, knowing that your loved one is safe under our support you can come back to caring for your loved one feeling refreshed.

    At Esteem we can tailor respite care to suit your needs as we offer “Your Choice, Your Care, Your Complete Solution” care packages.  These packages are unique to each individual. We will find out what you want to achieve, how your loved one likes to be cared for and create a service for you. Find out more here.

    Urgent Respite Care

    Urgent respite care is similar to emergency care. If the primary carer has had an accident or sudden illness, we can provide emergency respite care for as long as needed.

    Dementia Respite Care

    Here at Esteem we also provide specialist dementia respite care. We understand that people living with dementia can get upset and confused when circumstances change and new environments and people are introduced. That’s why respite home care is often a better option than a care home. In-home respite care offers very little disruption to daily routine and our qualified carers are trained and experienced in dealing with dementia symptoms, resulting in a smooth transition of care duties.

    What is respite care?2021-10-27T12:47:59+01:00

    Respite care is a temporary care service for when carers need a break or are unable to provide care for someone. It can be planned in advance or arranged quickly in urgent situations. Our respite care packages can be tailored to support all the needs of your loved one, whether it’s daily housekeeping chores or personal care tasks. You can rest assured your loved one is receiving high-quality care with us.

    When is respite care needed?2021-10-18T11:47:29+01:00

    Respite care is needed when the primary carer is unable to care for a short period of time. The most common reasons for needing respite care are ill health and recovery or needing a break.

    It is just as important to look after your mental health as your physical health. That’s why giving yourself a break from caring and having time to yourself is so important. Allowing yourself to fully recover from ill health before you care again is also extremely important.

    How to arrange respite care?2021-10-18T11:54:15+01:00

    If you are planning respite care in advance get in touch with us to arrange a short-term care package for a future date. You pick the date you want our service to start and how long for.

    If you are needing Emergency respite care get in contact with us now and we will arrange an appropriate care package suited to your loved one as quickly as possible.

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